
Hello! I’m Christian Martinez. Cloud Consultant from Phoenix, Arizona. I have rich experience in Cloud-based Security and Security Analytics, also I am good at communicating with others and always motivating others to hit their goals. Always looking for that new adventure/improvement that I will embark on!

  • Age 23
  • Residence USA
  • Freelance Available
  • Address Phoenix, Arizona
  • Phone +1(480) 404-4501
  • E-mail


Web Development

A modern and mobile-ready website that will help you reach all of your marketing and aesthetics goals using AWS cloud services.

Threat Analysist

I will monitor and assess the potential risk that your business may face as well as gather data to help improve security so your business doesn't have too.

PC Building / Server building and Setup

One of my passions is working with others and helping them get into building their personal computers/servers. I also will give guidance on parts for both computers and servers.

Tech Consultant

 I provide businesses with expert guidance on how to make the most of technology to reach their objectives. From crafting IT strategies to implementing systems and optimizing processes, my services focus on driving digital transformation and maximizing efficiency.

Pricing Table

IT Support
$ 25 hour
  • Web Development
  • Tech consulting
  • PC Builds
  • Tutoring 
IT Security
$ 40 hour
  • Web Development
  • Cloud Consultant
  • Security Monitoring 
  • Threat Analyst 
  • Physical Security Analysis
Jan 2019 - Feb 2020
Shift Manager - Enterprise Inc.

This is where I was a morning shift Manager and had about 20 people I watched over in the back who cleaned and moved cars from the front cleaning zone to the Front lot This is where I built great customer service but also learned how to work and manage a team where they knew I wanted them to succeed and have trust in me. Since I was one of the newest members and of course the youngest person at 18.

Apr 2020 - Feb 2022
Shift Manager - Chipotle Mexican Grill

Chipotle showed me that customer service is number one in any industry. As long as you provide a service you should give the best customer service you can and build as much repour with your customer. As well as pushing myself to get better every day so my team can count on mean.

Nov 2022 - Nov2023
Verizon Wireless - Sales Rep

This job showed me that patience is needed when working in tech since anyone can use it and can be easily broken which allows for a wide variety of engagement. as well as having different scenarios which just show with a lot of patience you can get it done.  

Dec 2023 - Present
IT consultant - Fields Consulting Groups

This company has blessed me with the experience of consulting for multiple companies and in different industries. I have gotten to work with hospitals, dentistry, and fairgrounds. We work with people all across the US through remote tools and help during live launches and making sure everything is moving smoothly.

Jul 2017- Dec 2020
Central New Mexico Community Collage

I started here while I was still in high school. I found that helping people with troubleshooting was very interesting because it was always a new challenge! It felt so good to help someone find the answer they needed to fix the problems they had.

Jul 2023 - Oct 2023
Google IT Support Certification

This is where I learned my IT fundamentals here and built off the IT knowledge I had from my past experiences. Here I learned the 7-layer OSI model, windows and Linux troubleshooting, and what they called learning the dark arts (ethical hacking).

Dec 2023 - Jun 2024
Arizona State University Cyber Security Bootcamp

This is where I built my cyber skills like securing cloud services and working with tools like Wireshark, and Splunk. Three Projects were building a website, Penetration testing a Company (Rekall), and Building a Sec Monitoring Environment. These projects are showcased on the Project page.

Mar 2024 - Current
AWS Skill Builder

This is where I build off of the skills that I've gained in the boot camp and expand my love for the cloud. Plus AWS is constantly growing and has so many new services all so interesting in their way. This also helps me gain the knowledge I will need so I can complete the AWS Solutions Architect, and get my AWS Security Specialists!

Coding Skills

  • WordPress
  • Angular / JavaScript


  • Threat detection
  • Web Development
  • Linux Command line
  • Windows
  • Active Directory
  • IT Monitoring /Analysis
  • Networking
  • Researching



I played football from 8th grade and have had a love for it since I was little. I am a Bronco Fan please no hate. 


This passion has grown more since I've lived in Arizona and having beautiful weather. I go on walks with my dog, camping, and hiking in my free time.


Now I am one of the biggest fans of Call Of Duty and Apex Legends this is where I get most of my competitive drive. when playing games I think of it as always trying to get better and learn new mechanics. 

Capture The Flag

If I am not studying or doing my other three interests I am sitting at my computer trying different CTFs as they are called to help refine my skill and also help me see the perspective from a hacker side of the keyboard.

Our Team
